ethOS 1.3.0 update


ethOS 1.3.0 changelog (released February 28th 2018)

Major Changes

Added support for certain AMDGPU RX series GPUs that displayed 511C and crashed via installing experimental kernels and drivers.
Added support for RX 550 via installing experimental kernels and drivers.
Added support for NVIDIA Titan V, GTX 1060 5GB, GTX 1060 Rev.2 via installing experimental kernels and drivers.
Added more support staff to #ethosdistro/Freenode IRC channel
Added /gethelp shortcut in on-rig IRC clients so that users can generate diagostics links by typing /gethelp directly in channel.
Updated all installed miners to their latest versions and added packages necessary to support them.
Created automatic driver packager for NVIDIA and created NVIDIA driver set for version 390.25.
Added CDN load balancer to ethOS download page in order to serve the ethOS download file from the server that is closest to the user.

Bug Fixes

Reduced bugs associated with running ethos-update by building CDN for serving ethos-update related files.
Optimized “update” functionality and fixed more cases where ethOS rigs failed to send updates to ethOS stats panel.
Fixed cases where ethminer hashrate under 10 megahashes would not display hashrate correctly.
Added blake2s and keccak coins to dualminer reporting.
Added better support for updating from very old ethOS versions.
Added necessary fglrx and nvidia patches to kernel 4.15
Added an automated CPU performance manager in order to reduce CPU load when running many NVDIA GPUs.
Fixed cases where ethminer proxy would not restart correctly.
Fixed many cases of false positive displays of “gpu clock problem”.
Fixed a bug that caused hash collection to time out if system load was too high.
Fixed a bug that prevented stats from reporting if too many rigpools were specified.
Allowed ethOS config parameters to work even if they have preceding spaces.
Fixed a bug that prevented poolemail from applying correctly when dual mining in certain cases.
Added driver patch for USB NIC into kernel sources.
Added local JSON stats dump to /var/run/ethos/stats.json
Added install-amd-beta and install-nv-beta commands to the pull latest beta drivers from the ethOS repository.
Added hotfix command for use with future hotfixes.
Sanitized overclock values in overclock scripts.
Fixed a case where the display monitor shows yellow text and blank screen during the boot process.
Fixed regex issues associated with the poolemail config option, which had parsing problems under certain conditions.
Fixed a bug in the AMDGPU (RX) overclock script that could cause crashes if applied after booting.
Updated amdgpu-pro OPENCL stack to latest stable version.
Made perform more reliably by upgrading its server.
Added support for failover pools in dstm-zcash

Cosmetic Changes and Cleanup

Added the ethOS license agreement acceptance/collection to the ethOS desktop and MOTD, which disappears once accepted.
Added prompt if user attemps to run ethos-update without a working Internet connection.
Added “possible miner stall” message to ethOS status if miner has been working for a while, but hash is zero.
Added list of any crashed GPUs into the ethOS status message.
Corrected the bash prompt hashrate display to display “0” if the miner stalled or was otherwise not mining.
Removed color codes from miner output files in gethelp diagnostic files, so that logs are easier to read.
Added warnings and advice if user attempted to use an ethOS config option as a linux command.
Allowed show miner log to automatically clear if the miner changed.
Fixed cases where the NVIDA gpulist pci bus identification was not accurate.
Fixed the “lockscreen” button on the right hand side of the taskbar in the ethOS desktop.
Revamped ethOS desktop menus and added a “hard-reboot” option into the ethOS desktop interface.
Added Shutdown and Restart buttons to ethOS desktop, which were accidentally removed in a previous version.
Added notices to ethOS desktop and ethOS status if an invalid miner is specified.
Removed silentarmy miner due to no active development from author.
Added collection method for unique rig UUID.
Added collection method for ccminer flags and dualminer_pool
Added ethos-smi output to gethelp diagnostics link.
Added motherboard and BIOS version to gethelp diagnostics link, ethOS panel, and JSON API.
Changed “#” ethOS bash prompt to “$” ethOS bash prompt (to see clear difference between root and ethos users).
Added list of common ethOS commands to the ethOS Knowledge Base.
Added pci.ids for GTX 1060 5GB and GTX 1060 Rev.2
Added ethOS license agreement to ethOS download page.

511℃表記になってクラッシュしてた特定のAMDGPUのサポートを追加、RX550、NVIDIA Titan V、GTX 1060 5GB、GTX 1060 Rev.2をサポート。ただし実験的なカーネルとドライバを別途入れる必要がありあそうです。





今まで、ずーっとETHとSiacoinをほってきました。プールをみると、Total paid: 82747 SIAだそうですよ。しかしながらAntminerA3発売以降、芳しくありません。


stubファイルは既に廃止されているので、やることはClaymoreをETH onlyモードである-mode 1オプションに変更することだけです。ついでに見やすいようにshow minerに色もつけましょう。

claymore=flags -colors 1 -mode 1


